Six months ago today we chugged out of Amsterdam, loaded up with  gear and great expectations. We have not been disappointed! What an adventure we began, back  then in July.

In those months we have visited palaces and lived in a tent. We have tasted great food and enjoyed wonderful company. We have sailed, boated, ferried and swam our way around the Atlantic and the Mediterranean;  seen vultures circling above us and wild pigs scooting passed us. We have learned about Moors, Cathars and Catalans; learned smatterings of  French, Spanish and Portuguese and made new friends along the way. We have blogged, tweeted, Facebooked and Instagrammed and we have loved all your comments and likes. Thank you for all your encouragement – please keep it and share our stories with your friends too!

We have reached a mini-milestone. In six months we have travelled more than 15,000km and we are still in Europe! If we had gone straight to India we would be there and half way back by now!

But tomorrow we sail on the morning tide to a new continent. Africa beckons and so will begin our tales from the medina and more.  We are Morocco- bound and we hope you will come with us on the next part of our  journey.